

21 | World


General Aspects:

Patriarchal, conquerors, man-made laws, speaking, discipline, duality, antithesis


Free from any pyramid, WORLD dances in stylized fashion within the thick wreath of of verdure she created. In her hands she lightly carries the black and white poles, the dual foundation mortals of existence. WORLD represents matter, the earth and the evolution of life forms. The zodiacal sings make up the Fixed Cross. The symbolic representation of the patriarchal gospel foursome - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - are placed at the Book's four corners.

WORLD dances slowly. She is a weighty Trump, heavy with responsibilities and burdens from the fixed periphery which was projected on to her by humanity's morality and laws.

Interpreted use:

Your foundation is well laid. Dance on!

Reversed (card received upside down):

Don't get mired down in material affairs. Danger of a homemade bog.