13 | Death
13 | Death
General Aspects:
General Aspects:
Patriarchal, conquerors, man-made laws, speaking, discipline, duality, antithesis
In the Middle Ages death was a fine, gory spectacle. Kings and queens, babes and beggars, everything that lives must die- Nothing resists DEATH's garnering sickle; a cycle finished and off you go to heaven or hell. Hence, in the Gypsy Tarot deck, DEATH is invariably represented as a rattling skeleton mowing down rich and poor alike. DEATH is indeed a terrifying whirlwind which sweeps in to undo another knot in time's thread, and who knows where you'll be swept to next. Remember, death of the earth body comes to all.
Interpreted use:
Interpreted use:
DEATH is a transitory state of consciousness. Transformation furthers.
Reversed (card received upside down):
Reversed (card received upside down):
Disaster, stagnation; lack of change, Physical danger.